Category: Versatile Essay Topics for Any Writer

About Teen Pregnancy

About Teen Pregnancy

Since 1991, the US teen birth rate (births for 1,000 females between 15 and 19 years old) has been falling. The teen birth rate continued to fall from 17.4 for 1,000 females in 2018 down to 16.7 for 1,000 in …

Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy

An introduction is presented.
Teenage pregnancy has been the subject of much concern and attention since the 1950s. The impact teenage pregnancy has on girls’ lives and on their children is what drives the ongoing concern. Recent demographic studies show …

159 Pregnancy Essay Topics

159 Pregnancy Essay Topics

Top Essay Topics about Pregnancy

– Teenage pregnancy and its negative outcomes
Because of the negative effects of teenage pregnancy on prenatal outcomes and long-term morbidity, as well as high levels of poverty and education, this is a serious public …