3 Tier Architecture

Table of Contents

Presentation Tier

Application Tier

Data Tier

We have proposed a three-tier architecture due to Scalability and Performance.

Benefits of 3 Tier architecture:

The 3 Tier software architecture is a pattern of client-server software in which user interfaces (Presentation), logic for functional processes (business rules), data storage and access, and computer data are developed independently and maintained. The 3 Tier Architecture consists of three parts: Presentation Tier, Data Tier, and Application Tier.

The top level is called the Presentation Tier. It displays the contents of shopping carts, browsing and purchasing information. It communicates to other tiers and sends out results for the client level as well as all other tiers within the network.

The logical tier is separated from the presentation tier and controls an application’s functionality by performing detailed processing. The logical tier controls an app’s functionality, by performing detailed processes. The data-access layer should expose the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that allow the Application Tier to manage stored data.

We chose a 3 tier architecture because it is scalable, performant and available.

Scalability. The tiers can be resized horizontally.

Performance – The presentation tier caches requests to reduce network usage and load on data and application tiers. Any tier can be load-balanced if necessary.

The Presentation tier may be able to process requests using cache if the Application tier server goes down.

Benefits of 3 Tier architecture:

This allows you to upgrade the technology stack in one area of your application without affecting other areas.

This allows each development team to specialize in its own area of expertise. Most developers today have a deep understanding of one particular area.

The application can be scaled up or down.

A separate tier for the back-end. You can, for example, deploy to different databases without being restricted to one specific technology.

3 Tier Architecture improves reliability by increasing the independence of servers and services.

The codebase is easy to maintain, and it allows for the management of presentation code as well as business logic.


  • ameliaburke

    Amelia Burke is a 27yo educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is currently a student at the University of Utah. She is interested in creative writing, writing for the web, and public speaking.



Amelia Burke is a 27yo educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is currently a student at the University of Utah. She is interested in creative writing, writing for the web, and public speaking.

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