Timeline Of Video Games Development

Video games have existed since the 1970s. Since then, graphics and playability have improved tremendously. Things have changed a lot since the Atari 2600 in the 1980s, which was the first home-based system.

In the 1980s home video games became a part of every day life. Atari and Nintendo were the top choices. Sega was later added to that list. Atari created the first arcade game. The Atari 2600 was later developed into a home videogame system. Pong was their most loved game. You simply move a rectangle around to hit a ball. The Nintendo NES, a home video gaming system, was released for the first time in Japan in 1983. It was not released in the United States until two years later. Castle Vania was a popular game on the NES. The game allows players to battle Count Dracula. The 1990s saw rapid changes in video games. Graphics improved and 3D games were possible. There were new styles of videogames. These included survival horror and first-person shooters. Doom was a popular first-person shooter. Doom was the first game to offer a multiplayer mode. Resident Evil, a survival horror title, includes both puzzle-based challenges and monster fighting. The Gameboy, Nintendo’s first portable system, was available for purchase either as a standalone product or in bundles that included Tetris the puzzle-based game. It was in short supply in the United States after its release. In the 21st-century, video games offer better graphics and environments. Gamers don’t have to cope with blurry, blocky graphics. Most creators want to make the game look as real as possible. This is achieved with realistic-looking scenery and high-definition graphics. Artificial intelligence has improved the interaction of environments. Some games even teach you how to survive, making it even more terrifying. Many games have warnings about heart conditions and the game even teaches you how to scare yourself. The modern video game is a far cry from the games of our childhood. The world has changed a lot from a simple click to full-featured interactive games. What do you imagine video games in 2040?


  • ameliaburke

    Amelia Burke is a 27yo educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is currently a student at the University of Utah. She is interested in creative writing, writing for the web, and public speaking.



Amelia Burke is a 27yo educational blogger and volunteer and student. She is currently a student at the University of Utah. She is interested in creative writing, writing for the web, and public speaking.

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